Respuesta :

So far eighteen species have been discrebed in 2021. These are:

1. Leaf-litter ant (Strumigenys collinsae) - USA

This is one of the six ants from Strumigenys genus discrebed in a recent paper. The holotype as found in Colorado.

2. Churah Valley kukri snake (Oligodon churahensis) - India

This snake specie as found in the bachyard of a graduate student in India during lockdown.

3. Star octopus (Octopus djinda) - Australia

New specie of octopus from the larger global O. vulgaris group. These specie name was chosen to constrast with that of it's east coast relative (gloomy octopus).

4. Hoserhair worm (Acutogordius olivetti) - Peru

Found in a scientific expedition to document fauna in Madre de Dios, southern Peru.

5. Ramari's beaked whale (Masoplodon eueu) - Southern Hemisphere

A distinct spedie from True's beaked whale found in North Atlantic.

6. Weevil (Trigonopterus ewok) - Sulawesi

Found in the Indo-Antralian-Melanesian archipelago, the nunber of Trigonopterus increse with 28 newly discrebed species.

7. Tiger beetle (Eunota mecocheila) - Mexico

Found in the saline and muddy ditches.

8. Nujian pit viper (Gloyrius lipipengi) - China

One of the two venomous snakes discrebed by researchers studying the molecular phylogeny of pit viper in Asia.

9. Feiruz wood lizard (Enyaliodies feiruzae)

Universidad de Mexico