A 4-year-old child who performs at the same level as an average 5-year-old child has a mental age of Intelligence.
In ordinary language, a common average is an unmarried range taken as a consultant of a listing of numbers, generally the sum of the numbers divided through what number of numbers are withinside the listing (the mathematics mean). For example, the common of the numbers 2, 3, 4, 7, and 9 (summing to 25) is 5. Depending on the context, a median is probably another statistic inclusive of the median, or mode.
For example, the common non-public income is regularly given because the median—the range beneath which might be 50% of private earnings and above which might be 50% of private earnings—due to the fact the mean could be misleadingly excessive through consisting of non-public earning from a few billionaires.
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