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Unity of operation refers to a centralized government shape with relevant purchasing, advertising, accounting and management. It consists of not unusual place management, employees' policies, running procedures, pricing, collections, and financing.

Unity in diversity is a word that indicates the solidarity amongst humans with numerous cultural, non-secular beliefs, social statuses and different demographic differences. This word originated in historic instances and is utilized by numerous political and social organizations to illustrate solidarity amongst people or communities.

Unity does now no longer imply uniformity. Unity requires accepting differences, now no longer seeking to cast off them. If God desired us to all assume alike, God could have made us that manner. And in view that we're all particular, God involves every people in particular ways. There isn't anyt any one manner to be, to act, to believe.

The Law of the Unity of Struggle. According to Marxist dialectics, the war of opposites is unconditional and absolute, whilst the identification of opposites is conditional and relative.

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