Respuesta :

To promote proper skeletal and joint development in the larger size dogs,  ideal BCS during growth is 4-5 out of 9.

BCS scales are classified into four different categories in which 3 is “too thin”, 4 and 5 are “ideal”, 6 and 7 are “overweight” and 8 is “obese” based on the weight management program of WSAVA.

Another way to tell if dog is overweight is by placing both your thumbs on the spine of dog and opening your hands over its ribcage. If the dog is healthy then you ought to be able to feel their ribs under their coat and skin, but if there is too much fat then this will not be possible.

BCS is based on four basic criteria that are : how easily the ribs are felt, how the waist and abdominal tuck is, how much excess fat is present and how much muscle mass is there.

To know more about animal health, refer