'r' is mode specifier will open a file but not let you change the file or write to it.
What is mode specifier ?
- An individual word value known as a mode specifier is used to specify a screen mode.
- This is how it is handled: It is presumed that a number in the range of 0 to 255 is a mode number.
- Otherwise, it is presumed to be a Sprite Mode if the bottom bit is set. Word (describing a RISC OS 3.5 or RISC OS 5 format sprite) (describing a RISC OS 3.5 or RISC OS 5 format sprite) 2
Which technique returns the contents of the file as a string?
- In Java, reading material into a specified file is done using the readString() method of the File class.
- Value Returned The file's content, in String format, is returned by this method.
Learn more about mode specifier