What makes a solving step a good one? what makes it a bad one? how can you tell you choose a useful next step

Define Problem solving: Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution
The solving steps is the step taking to arrive at the answer.
The major problem solving steps are:
(a) Define the problem;
(b) Generate alternative solution;
(c) Evaluate and select an alternative;
(d) Implement and follow up on the solution
What makes a solving step a good one?
A step is consider a good one if preceeding step is connected to the next step without any calculation error.
what makes it a bad one?
A step is consider a bad one if the preceding step is not connected to the next step due to calculation error
How can you tell you choose a useful next step:
One can tell he or she chooses a useful next step by looking back at the solution and reflect on each of the calculations and see that there is no mistake (cross-checking there is no mistake)