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The endosymbiotic theory states that common organelles found in eukaryotes were absorbed into the eukaryotic cell.

There are 3 big pieces of evidence to support this:

0. DNA


1. Ribosomes


2. Double-layered cell membrane

DNA is found not only in a eukaryote's cell nucleus but also in the mitochondria. If the mitochondria has its own DNA (denoted as mtDNA), then it supports the fact that it carries out their own functions.

• Mitochondria DNA allows the mitochondria to produce proteins and enzymes necessary for the production of ATP.

Ribosomes are also found in the mitochondria and chloroplasts. This should make sense since the organelle must be able to synthesize necessary proteins to be able to do the processes it needs to do.

• This is the main function of ribosomes


• Ribosomal function is necessary when DNA is present.

Both chloroplasts and mitochondria both have a double membrane as well. This piece of evidence shows that it could be evidence of the endosymbiotic theory as mitochondria and chloroplasts function independently.

• During cell division, the chloroplast and the mitochondria ,duplicate, and ,divide, ,separately,.