Number of Lawns, SummerWorkerJuneJulyAugustFrank282119Carl172415Vinny22291715.Frank, Carl, and Vinny started a lawn-mowing business over the summer. This table shows how many lawns each worker mowed during the summer months.Display the data in matrix W with rows indicating workers. What is element w12?22211929

Number of Lawns SummerWorkerJuneJulyAugustFrank282119Carl172415Vinny22291715Frank Carl and Vinny started a lawnmowing business over the summer This table shows class=

Respuesta :

The table above is a matrix of three files and three columns. In this matrix, we already have the rows indicating workers, and we can see this graphically as follows:

As we can see in the previous graph, element b is located in the first row and second column, and it is described as the element M(1,2).

Therefore, the element of the matrix W (1, 2) is given by the value in the first column and the second column of this matrix: 21.

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