Kirsten tried to evaluate the expression {12 x 2-8} x 2. Her work is below.{12 x 2 - 8} x 2leStep 1: = {12 x 2} - 163AcciIn RecentThe OriginalStep 2: = 24 - 16Step 3:= 8In which step did Kirsten first make a mistake?Choose 1 answer:TUSA Step 1Step 2pe/TANAсStep 31AREE SAVKirsten did not make a mistake.nin4 of 7 ...OOOOSUBSCRIBEDCheck

Kirsten tried to evaluate the expression 12 x 28 x 2 Her work is below12 x 2 8 x 2leStep 1 12 x 2 163AcciIn RecentThe OriginalStep 2 24 16Step 3 8In which step class=