703(m) of Title VII section of title vii states that it is not a violation if an employer refuses to hire or to discharge an employee who is unable to meet the requirements for a national security clearance where federal law or regulations require such a clearance for the job in question.
In accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, businesses must make reasonable accommodations for their employees' honestly held religious views, practises, and observances. Employment discrimination based on religion is also prohibited.
Schedule adjustments (arrivals, departures, floating/optional holidays, flexible work breaks, and any other scheduling adjustments); voluntary shift substitutions and/or swaps; job reassignments, such as changes of position tasks and lateral transfers; and modifications are examples of religious accommodations.
Examples of religious views are as follows: the conviction of some Christians that wearing a cross as a representation of your faith is appropriate. the notion that a woman should cover her body or head when practising Islam. the acceptance of intelligent design or creationism.
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