I need help with this practice In your own original words, answer this, answer in order of what comes first in the picture

Global warming is a very controversial topic, as are those who argue natural causes and those who attribute it to human action, truth is that in past eras effectively there was global warming however there is also strong proof that human actions have an important effect. So probably what we are seeing these days is a synergy of both factors, on one hand, we have that erath posses cycles and this can be seen through geological history, on the other hand, we have that human activities produce greenhouse gases in quantities never seen in earth's history so is a conjunction of both. As humans, we are responsible for maintaining the planet in healthy condition, so we must do what is on our hands to lessen our impact whether this be the main cause or not, as is a fact that our emissions have consequences.
In the last decades, this topic has acquired relevance and in consequence laws and agreements have been made, nonetheless, the political and economical interests play a huge role in the global agenda and global warming remains in the background, so we can say that more action less words are needed.