Write a program to determine the length of bursts of zero’s in a list of N numbers stored in an List. The program should record the length of the bursts of zero’s in another List. The program should then print the lengths of the bursts.
Using this second List with the lengths of the bursts, it should also compute and print the following: the average length of the bursts, the minimum burst length, the maximum burst length, and the total number of zeros (the sum of the burst lengths).
Your program should:
1. Prompt the user for the size of the list (N). Then it should prompt the user to enter N numbers and store them into a list called burstList. Note, you should specify the maximum size of N allowed (based on how large you declare your List).
2. Given N and list, your program should compute the lengths of the bursts of zeros and store them in a list called BurstLengths. Use a for loop in this step.
3. Given the BurstLengths List, use a while loop to print the list of burst lengths. Format this nicely in a table with headings.
4. Given the BurstLengths List, compute and then print the following information:
a. Average burst length
b. Minimum burst length
c. Maximum burst length
d. Total number of zeros
Example data and results:
N (entered by the user and stored in N): 15
List of numbers (entered by the user and stored in the list):
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0
List of bursts (computed by your program and stored in BurstList): 4, 6, 1
Average burst length (computed by your program): 3.67
Minimum burst length (computed by your program): 1
Maximum burst length (computed by your program): 6
Total number of zeros (computed by your program): 11
Burst Length
1 4
2 6
3 1
Average burst length: 3.67
Minimum burst length: 1
Maximum burst length: 6
Total number of zeros: 11
• Check the boundaries (beginning and end of the lists). Test your program with a list of numbers that ends with a 0 and another that doesn’t end with a 0 and make sure your program works properly. Similarly, test it with lists that start with a 0 and those that don’t.
• Use a flag variable (such as burst_open) to keep track of whether you are in the middle of a burst or not. When you encounter a burst (the first 0 in a burst) you can set the burst_open variable to 1. When you encounter the end of a burst, you can set the burst_open variable to 0.
• Develop your program in parts. You can develop and test the code for the different steps separately.
Note that you can create your own BurstList to test if the code for steps 3 and 4 work before completing step 2. In the end, you should have one program that contains all steps.