Later in life, Ivan realized that the true meaning of this syllogism is 'i too, will die.'
A syllogism in English Literature is defined as a subtle, sophisticated, or manipulative claim.
The syllogism he had learned from Kiesewetter's Logic: "Caius is a man, men are mortal, therefore Caius is mortal," had always seemed to him correct when applied to Caius, but obviously not when applied to himself. This highlights the distinction between knowing on an intellectual level that people die and knowing what death means.
Since he was a young child, Ivan has known that everyone passes away, but the realization that he, Ivan Ilych, together with all of his memories, joys, and loves, will eventually cease to exist had never occurred to him. It's significant that he reflects on his time as "Vanya."
This is the first indication that Ivan may have once been content as a young child. He might have been content because his parents adored him. He developed a sense of himself as someone special, significant, and valuable as a result of their love and care. But at this point, nothing can prevent his death.
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