if i gave you a protein you knew nothing about (not a fluorescent protein) and asked you to predict its function, which do you think would be most helpful to analyze, primary, secondary or tertiary structure?

Respuesta :

The amino acid sequence of a protein determines how it will behave biologically, and alterations to the amino acid sequence will affect the protein's 3D structure.

If you're given a protein X whose function is unknown, you can use NMR or X-Ray crystallography to find out its structural information, or you can use computational methods like threading for 3D structure prediction, PSIPRED, the Chou-Fasman Method, or homology modelling (based on finding homologues of the given protein's structure in the PDB and modelling it using a tool like Swiss Modeller). discover physiochemical characteristics such as molecular weight, amino acid composition, PI, etc.,

So briefly, use CD spectroscopy, Edman degradation, NMR, and mass spectrometry to find primary sequences for unknown proteins. Every one of these is for experimental purposes.

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