You would be very justified in assuming that the dog will beg pretty persistently in the future.
How to manage a dog?
Good dogs are aware of who is in command. You must establish control in order to have a dog that follows your commands. There are several effective methods for doing this. Never use force against a dog to gain control.
When the dog complies with your instructions, treat him or her. Be very consistent with your guidelines and rewards. Be forceful in your acceptance and condemnation.
When your dog comes to you excitedly, the most crucial thing to keep in mind is that your reaction will decide whether such behavior occurs more or less frequently. Giving attention or affection to an agitated dog is the worst thing you can do. This merely conveys to them your appreciation of their work. They’ll discover that showing excitement results in a benefit, so they’ll keep doing it. Ignoring a hyperactive dog is the best course of action. Make no eye contact, speaking, or touch contact. Turn away from them or push them back down if they try to leap on you.
To learn more about managing a dog from the given link
When the zantays eat dinner, the family dog begs for food. Sometimes, but not often, the children give in to the dog's begging and pass their pet a tasty morsel. you would be most justified in predicting that?