The ability to unconsciously keep track of the number of times he has run into a co-worker is known as Automatic Processing.
Automatic and controlled processes( ACP) are the two orders of cognitive processing. All cognitive processes fall into one or both of those two orders. The quantum of" recycling power", attention, and trouble a process requires is the primary factor used to determine whether it's a controlled or automatic process. An automatic process is able of being without the need for attention, and the mindfulness of the inauguration or operation of the process, and without drawing upon general processing coffers or snooping with other concurrent study processes.
Put simply, an automatic process is unintentional, involuntary, royal, and occurs outside mindfulness. Controlled processes are defined as a process that is under the flexible, purposeful control of the existent, that the existent is purposely apprehensive of, and that is effortful and constrained by the number of attentional coffers available at the moment.
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