Sentence Noun Phrase Not A Noun Phrase
The two squi-rrels are fight-ing over an acorn.
Noun Phrase – The two squirrels, are fighting over an acorn.
Not A Noun Phrase – The two squirrels, are fighting over an acorn.
I gave ha-lf of my lu-nch to my si-ster yeste-rday.
Noun Phrase – I gave half of my lunch , to my sister, yesterday.
Not A Noun Phrase – I gave half of my lunch , to my sister, yesterday.
Maria loves all styles of dance.
Noun Phrase – Maria loves , all styles of dance, .
Not A Noun Phrase – Maria loves , all styles of dance, .
I like ice cubes in my water.
Noun Phrase – I like ice cubes in , my water,
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