Trey and his brother act out a scene between a police officer and an arrestee they viewed on television earlier in the day. This is most clearly an example of Observational Learning.
Learning through observation of others' behaviors is known as observational learning. The desired behaviour is observed, remembered, and imitated. The majority of youngsters engage in observational learning, often referred to as shaping and modelling, as they copy the act of adults.
Although we occasionally deliberately watch experts to pick up new knowledge, observational learning isn't usually done on purpose. particularly in young kids. Through observation of adults, a child may pick up bad language or cigarette smoking. They are always learning through observation, whether the intended act is beneficial or not. Alternatively, those who do research on animals define observational learning as the process by which an animal is trained to carry out an act that it sees another person of the same or a different species carry out.
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