
This is cosmetology

Beauty culture is everywhere. Fashion and beauty magazines represent some of the best places to find examples of what society thinks is beautiful. For this assignment, you can use either a beauty or fashion magazine (paper or online). Go through the magazine or click through the website, paying particular attention to the images used in both feature articles and advertisements. As you view the images, consider and take notes on the following questions:

1. How much of the model’s body is visible (i.e., is it a face shot, a full-body shot, etc.)?
2. What is the model’s ethnicity?
3. How would you describe the model’s body type?
4. What part of the model is featured (i.e., eyes, legs, back, etc.)?

When you are done, write an essay describing your observations. It should answer the question, “Based on this magazine, what is beautiful today?” In other words, if someone knew nothing about this culture and looked at the material that you examined, what conclusions would he or she come to about beauty culture? Your essay should be about a page in length. Bring in some of examples from the data that you have collected to illustrate your points.