write prolog rules that convey the meaning of these natural-language sentences: a. a person is hungry if that person's stomach is empty. b. everybody likes a job if it's fun and it pays well. c. sally likes french fries if they're cooked. d. everybody owns a car who buys one, pays for it, and keeps it.

Respuesta :

Natural Language to Prolog Rules-

1.hungry(Person) :- empty(Person,stomach)

2.likes(Y,job) :- pays_well

3.likes(shelly,french fries) :- cooked


A rule in Prolog is a clause, normally with one or more variables in it. Normally, rules have a head, neck and body, as in: eats(Person, Thing) :- likes(Person, Thing), food(Thing). This says that a Person eats a Thing if the Person likes the Thing , and the Thing is food .

A Prolog  rule has the form: Head :- Body. The notation of the head of a rule depends on the number of arguments: If the predicate has zero arguments, then the head consists only of the predicate name.

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