Character displacement is an example of two competing species are more morphologically similar when their ranges are far apart compared to where they compete with each other in the same range.
Character displacement refers to an evolutionary change that happens when two closely related species coexist in the same environment. Natural selection is more likely to encourage divergence in an organism's morphology, ecology, behavior's, or physiology under such circumstances. The theory was only formally recognized in the middle of the 20th century, but it has been known at least since the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–1882) began putting together his case for evolution. Despite the fact that some of the same species were indistinguishable while living allopathically, they discovered that sympatric species possessed a variety of unique characteristics. Because the species were similar, they competed for the same resources, and natural selection preferred those species that competed less, according to Brown and Wilson. As a result, the characters changed.
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