Interval intensity, length, duration, intensity, and volume of the workout are the five elements of HIIT intervals.
Intense exertion and short recovery times are combined in HIIT.
Improved VO2max, improved aerobic and anaerobic energy systems, improved oxygen transport and lactate threshold, improved speed and power, increased fatigue resistance, and improved workout efficiency are a few of the advantages.
Interval intensity, duration, intensity of the recovery period, and training volume are the five elements that make up HIIT intervals.
Increased activation of type I (slow twitch) muscle fibers during HIIT training is one way that they improve fatigue resistance and exercise effectiveness. Individual muscle fiber burden is decreased by enhancing the activation of type I muscle fibers.
Three levels of intensity are possible for HIIT sessions: 1) Submaximal—efforts at levels just below the maximum oxygen consumption (e.g., 90–95% VO2max); 2) VO2max—training at VO2max intensity
Learn more about HIIT intervals here: