
What was the major issue that kept Dred Scott from getting his freedom? Select one: a. He should have tried when he was in a free state. b. The Supreme Court ruled that he was not a U.S. citizen of the United States and could not sue. c. They never should have taken the case to the Supreme Court. d. He was married. e. none of the above

Respuesta :

The correct answer is letter B

The correct option is B

The Dred Scott Case against Sandford (also known as The Dred Scott Case) was a court case, crucial in the history of the United States, resolved by the Supreme Court of that country in 1857, in which it was decided to deprive any inhabitant of African descent, whether they were slaves or not, the right to citizenship and the authority to ban slavery in federal territories of the country was removed from Congress. The decision was drafted by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney. The fury that caused this failure among the abolitionists was an important factor in the explosion of the Civil War.