
In 2 paragraphs explain:

Which Push-Pull factor was the biggest impact on Americans immigrating to the West?

(Homestead Act, Exodusters, Transcontinental Railroad, Urban Crowding)

Respuesta :

Answer:Various conditions urged settlers westward. The Civil War had displaced

thousands of farmers, former slaves, and other workers. Eastern farmland

was increasingly costly, certainly for many African Americans or for

impoverished immigrants. Failed entrepreneurs sought a second chance in a

new location. Ethnic and religious repression caused both Americans (such as the Mormons) and Europeans to seek

freedom in the West. The open spaces also sheltered outlaws on the run.

Before the Civil War, the North and South had fought bitterly over whether the new territories of the West would allow

or prohibit slavery. After the war, with those issues behind it, the federal government opened the way to western

migration by giving away public lands—or selling them at rock-bottom prices.


Answer:                                                                                                            Rainforests around the world still continue to fall. Does it really make a difference? Why should anyone care if some plants, animals, mushrooms, and microorganisms perish? Rainforests are often hot and humid, difficult to reach, insect ridden, and have elusive wildlife.

Actually the concern should not be about losing a few plants and animals; mankind stands to lose much more. By destroying the tropical forests we risk our own quality of life, gamble with the stability of climate and local weather, threaten the existence of other species, and undermine the valuable services provided by biological diversit