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first thing you want to do is get the water running it really doesn’t matter how hot or cold it is but rinse you toothbrush off, have doing that make sure that you roll you tooth paste tube at the bottom to get the tooth paste out place a small amount of tooth paste on your tooth brush and brush your front row of teeth the front and the back as well as the top and repeat this process with your bottom row of teeth.

Make sure you brush your tongue as well, then spit out the toothpaste.


step one: get your toothbrush

step two: wet the toothbrush under the faucet

step three: squeeze a little toothpaste onto the brush

step four: wet brush and toothpaste

step five: put the toothbrush into your mouth

step five: gently move the toothbrush back and forth on your teeth, top and bottom

step six: spit out toothpaste

step seven: rinse off toothbrush and put away

step eight: get a cup of warm water and swish around in mouth

step nine: grab some floss and rub in between your teeth

step ten: get some mouthwash and swish around in mouth