They happen at subduction zones, where shifting mineral assemblages appear to "implode" as a result of increased pressure on the rock as it is subducted deeper.
"Implosion" is the idea that is currently preferred. As subduction zones transfer rocks deeper where pressure is stronger, the building blocks frequently reorganize to take up less space, changing from, for example, a fit-in-the-gap-between-those-below arrangement to one that places rocks one on top of another. Sometimes, this can seem to develop gradually until coming to a head suddenly (I can't move until my neighbor does...), leading to an implosion. The biggest, deepest earthquakes happen where temperatures and pressures are so extreme that we can't even envision rocks breaking. Humans have never excavated a tunnel, not as deep as the earthquakes. Most nuclear bomb tests have been completed. Major nuclear weapons are substantially smaller than large earthquakes.)
To know more about earthquakes refer to