1) There are four branches of the study of music. They are ethnomusicology, music history, music theory, and systematic musicology.
Ethnomusicology is the study of music in its social and cultural contexts. Ethnomusicologists examine music as a social process in order to understand not only what music is but what it means to its practitioners and audiences.
Ethnomusicology is highly interdisciplinary. Individuals working in the field may have training in music, cultural anthropology, folklore, performance studies, dance, area studies, cultural studies, gender studies, race or ethnic studies, or other fields in the humanities and social sciences.
2) A field researcher is tasked to directly observe people while living in specific areas. They document and record their observations in order to assist with research. They visit a wide range of localities to study subjects and analyze what causes certain behaviors
1 II) Music theory is a practice musicians use to understand and communicate the language of music. Musical theory examines the fundamentals of music. It also provides a system to interpret musical compositions. For example, basic music theory defines the elements that form harmony, melody, and rhythm.