Healthy and strong church members foolishly believe that their hard work will get them out of hell. Edwards reminds them that they are alive because of God's will, not their own efforts.
Jonathan Edwards proves that to sinful saints who have not yet accepted Christ, God's punishment for their sins and lack of faith is inevitable and they do not have sufficient power to overthrow Him. Edwards' goal was to educate his audience about the horrors of hell, the dangers of sin, and the horrors of loss. Edwards described the plight of those who do not follow Christ's insistence on forgiveness. According to Edwards, God is a Trinity (one in three, one in one), and the Trinity is relative in His love. Since the Trinity begins with a self-understanding of the divine community in God, God communicates this love to all creatures and gives them the opportunity to become part of the divine life of this love. Edwards believed that people had moved away from strict beliefs that emphasized the grace of God so important to salvation. Edwards, leader of the first Great Awakening in colonial New England and pastor in Northampton, Massachusetts, tried to remind his audience of the fiery punishment awaiting unbelievers and encourage them to follow the moral path he outlined.
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