Respuesta :


First box: Carbohydrates

monomer is monosaccarides single sugar molecules

Elements: C, H, O

examples are glucose and cellulos

Box two: Proteins

Monomer: amino acid

Elements: C, H, O, N, P, S

function: a lot of differnt functions but examples include:

– Enzymes that control the rate of biochemical reactions

– Hormones that regulate cell processes (Ex. Insulin)

– Structurally make up bones and muscles (Ex. Collagen)

– Transport substances in and out of cell (Ex. Hemoglobin)

– Antibodies help immune system fight diseases

– Movement (Ex. Contractile proteins)

– Receptors aid in cell signaling

– Energy source in the food we eat (Ex. Casein)

Examples: meats, nuts, and dairy products, but many are made by your body

Box three: Nucleic Acid

Monomer: Nucleotides

Elements: C, H, O, N, P

function: informational molecules that store, transmit, and express our genetic information; contain the instructions for making proteins

example: DNA and RNA

Box Four: Lipids

Monomer: fatty acids

Elements: C, H, O

Function: Long term energy storage

Examples: fats, oils, phospholipids (in the cell membrane), steroids
