Brainliest Given:
Reflection is when a wave hits a surface and bounces off of it. Light can bounce off of a mirror so you can see yourself, and sound can bounce off of a wall so you hear an echo.
Refraction is when waves bend when they go into a different substance. This makes objects underwater look like they’re in a different spot than they actually are, and can make your straw look ‘crooked’ in your glass.
Diffraction is when waves bend as they go through openings, and around corners or objects. Sound diffracts more than light does, so it is easy to hear things around corners but impossible to see them.
Interference happens when the crests of two waves meet and build a bigger one, or a crest and trough come together and make a smaller one. This can make sound louder or softer, and light brighter or dimmer.
Decide which type of wave interaction is described below:
1. You can see the mountain peaks on the surface of a lake.
2. You try and spear a fish in a pond, but it hits just next to it.
3. You can still hear a concert even though you are in the parking lot.
4. Students are talking normally in the cafeteria, but it sounds very loud in there.
5. A big wave in a pool hits another wave, and it becomes mostly flat.
6. You use your window as a mirror.
7. Part of your fishing pole drops in the water, and it looks like it broke.
8. You hear a car in the driveway, even though you are on the other side of the house.