So I have to do a report for english and this is what I came up with what do you guys think how would you grade me?


By: Angie

Characters Different Points of View

Maze Runner



The way you see a character all depends on the point of view you read from. In this report you will see how I view Gally from the maze runner, compared to how others see him.

A true antagonist?

Everyone sees Gally as an antagonist but a quote that I read made by Gally had me thinking past what was right in front of me. The quote was “The rules are the only thing that have ever held us together, why now are we questioning that?” so I did some research and according to the books and the movies, Gally has been in the glade for three years before Thomas arrived. I read all the books and watched all the movies over and over again and the word that kept popping into my head was the word “Fear”. I kept thinking and doing my research and came up with a question. Is Gally a true antagonist? My answer is no, and I’m willing to bet that you are going to agree with me after you finish reading this.

Theory and Evidence

Gally is looked upon as an antagonist, but during my studies and research I have reason to believe otherwise. Others read the books or the movies and see a stuck up hard headed bully, But once you dig deeper other things come to light. According to both the movies and the books, Gally has been in the maze for three years before Thomas arrived. During those three years, he has likely seen death multiple times. In fact during my research, I have come to find that a total of 30 gladers have died in the maze runner. As seen in one of the scenes in the movies where he is standing in front of a wall of stone, In the stone was etched in all of the names of the gladers, and in the same scene Gally is shown to be crossing out one of the names, the name in question was Alby’s, after the leader of the glade (Alby) died, Gally went to the deadheads where the stone wall with all the names of the gladers is. Because Galy was the keeper of the Builders the task of crossing out the names on the stone fell upon him. So I assume that in the three years that Gally has been in the Glade, he was the one crossing out the names of the dead. That includes both friends and coworkers. A job like this is likely to take a toll on the person doing it. For three years gally, has seen people break rules, get exiled, and die, and all the while as he saw it all he took a lesson to the heart. Don’t break the rules. The one time he did break the rules he ran into the maze and ended up stung by a griever and had to go through the changing. And ever since he has followed the rules to a T, and takes his job very seriously so when Thomas comes along and begins Breaking all the rules without consequences, he begins to fear the repercussions. And finally when the griever begin attacking, it was like all his worst fears were coming true. So in the end his behavior was the effect of three years of living in fear.