identify whether each goal-writing practice will make the goal more or less effective. goal-writing practice more effective less effective ean believes that goals, once established, should never be changed. matthew recognizes that goals, particularly long-term goals, may have to be revised to accommodate changes in desires and life circumstances. greg wrote his short- and intermediate-term goals first, then his long-term goals. victoria wrote goals that are consistent with her personality and attitudes toward money management.

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The first practice will be less effective, because the individual believes that such goals should not be changed. Mattew's goals will be more effective by recognizing the need for revision.

Greg's goals will be less effective because they focus on short- and medium-term goals primarily, and Victoria's will be more effective because they align with her resources and profile.

To identify whether each goal writing practice will make the goal more or less effective, it is necessary to research some methods that help in achieving goals, such as the SMART goal method.

What is the SMART goals method?

Corresponds to a goal-orientation technique for achieving it following some essential criteria. The acronym SMART corresponds to the variables necessary for the goals to be achieved, which must be:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bounded

Therefore, in order to be more effective, it is essential that the goals are defined according to such criteria, being organized and aligned to the individual's profile in a foreseen time.

Find out more about SMART goals here: