the relationship between accelerometer-measured sleep and next day ecological momentary assessment symptom report during sport-related concussion recovery

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The following day's symptoms, particularly those that came on late and among CMF and emotional symptoms, were adversely correlated with sleep. The subacute stage of concussion recovery showed the highest correlation between sleep and symptom burden, suggesting the potential value of sleep intervention following injury.

How can the association between accelerometer-measured sleep and an ecological momentary assessment symptom the following day be discovered?

Ecological momentary assessments (EMAs) could help health organizations routinely track patient health outcomes and care experiences as a result of the growing usage of mobile technologies. In order to measure nightly sleep and complete the post-concussion symptom scales (PCSS) three times through mobile EMA, 17 athletes (47.1%F) between the ages of 12 and 19 years wore Actigraph GT3x+ devices. As a result, there were between 91 and 177 observations for each outcome. In generalized linear mixed models, the relationships between nighttime sleep and symptoms the following day and during recovery were evaluated using independent variables of sleep efficiency (SE%: ratio of waking time to sleep time) and total sleep time (TST).

Thus, In Week 1 and Week 2, respectively, total symptoms and afternoon symptoms, and total morning, afternoon, and night symptoms were all negatively correlated with sleep (ps = 0.001–0.021).

To know more about the symptoms of a concussion visit: