Identifying Career Pathways//

The health science career cluster includes five distinct career pathways that include more than 300 different occupations.The pathways are described here.Once you have read these directions,label each of the healthcare careers listed below with HI for health informatics,TS for therapeutic services,DS for diagnostic services,SS for support services,or BRD for biotechnology research and development.

*Health informatics:occupations focused on documenting patient care

*Therapeutic Services:occupations that change the health status of a patient over time

*Diagnostic Services:occupations that create a picture of the health status of a patient at a single point in time

*Support Services:occupation that create a therapeutic environment for providing patient care

*Biotechnology Research and development:occupations that use biotechnology research and product development to improve human health

Identifying Career Pathways HELP ASAP The health science career cluster includes five distinct career pathways that include more than 300 different occupationsT class=