Yes it is the duty of the passenger to always look and go the distance ahead & thinks several steps in advance.
the maverick’s chair always sits in 1st & or where the ‘drivers seat,’ is typically located while— The Goose or Wizzo formally known as The Wizard takes to the seat where the ‘passenger seat is positioned.. this seat is typically found.. underneath behind or to the side of personnels chaired in 1st and or the placement where Mavrick is seated.…
The Goose or The Wizard also known as the wizzo are individual’s who typically ride the ‘passengers seat position’ & who has great deeds but receives little to no recognition for the role they play. Titling the goose or wizzo as the unsung hero in this category, for the wizards or wizzos or gooses out there are also known to be the ‘SECRET SAUCE’ behind being one of the Air Force’s deadliest fighter jets teams out there. Sometimes two heads are better than one. And in this example you can see how the passengers position is a great way to start.