There are 1053 people in a town. There is no net immigration or emigration. If 6 people die and 12 people are born in one month, what is the population size at the
end of the month? Round your answer to the nearest whole number ?

Respuesta :

The population size at the end of the month is 1059.

The distinction is that emigration is leaving and immigration is coming to an emigrant is someone who actions away, whilst an immigrant is someone who moves in. Of path, emigrant and immigrant often talk to the identical individual individuals who are emigrating are also immigrating in the event that they depart, they should pass somewhere.

Emigration is the act or incidence of emigrating completely leaving home in a single place to settle in every other. someone who's emigrating or has emigrated can be known as an emigrant.

There are 1053 people in a town.

There is no net immigration or emigration.

People died = 6

New born = 12 people

The population size = 1053+ 12 -6

                               = 1059

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