The plant grow 3.6 centimeter in 18 days and the student written it incorrectly as 1.44 days.
Division is the process of breaking a number up into equal parts, and finding out how many equal parts can be made. It is a reverse process of multiplication.
The ratio of growth for a plant is 0.2 centimeters per 0.5 day.
A student found the number of days for the plant to grow 3.6 centimeters to be 1.44 days.
Here we have to verify if the student is found the correct value or not.
For one day the plant grow 0.2 centimeter.
So, for 3.6 centimeter it will take
=> 3.6 / 0.2
=> 18
So, for 3.6 centimeter it will take 18 days.
So, here the student written it incorrectly as 1.44 days.
To know more about Division Problems here