Through this encounter, he comes to terms with his life in the tale "And of Clay Are we Created."
The photographer Carle is on the scene to document the avalanche at the story's opening, "And of Clay Are we Created." He takes responsibility for everything that happens to Acuzena. He captures on camera the first responders who find her and attempt to save her. He eventually lays his equipment aside to assist with the rescue operations. He ties a rope while wading through the muck.
As the narrative goes on, Carle becomes more and more motivated to save her, grins and converses with her, and his voice breaks when he pledges to set her free. When he is unable to rescue her, he can console her and divert her attention by conversing with her. In the conclusion of the story "And of Clay Are we Created," Carle undergoes a metamorphosis and learns to accept his existence as it is.
Learn more about story "And of Clay Are we Created," here