The scientific notation for 0.000083 is 8.3 × 10-5
The 'e' notation for 0.000083 is 8.3^e-5
The number 0.000083 has 2 significant figures
1 - Move the decimal 5 times to right so there is one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point, untill the resulting number, m (= 8.3), is greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10 (m is the, so called, mantissa).
Since we've moved the decimal 5 times to the right, the exponent will be a negative number n (= -5).
2 - Write in scientific notation form m × 10n,
where m = 8.3 and n = -5.
Therefore, the number 0.000083 written in scientific notation is 8.3 × 10-5 and it has 2 significant figures.
How to convert 0.000083 into "e" notation
We've already converted the number to scientific notation. So, we just need to replace the ' × 10n ' by an 'e'.
Therefore, the 'e' notation for 0.000083 is 8.3^e-5.