What evidence from Gilgamesh: A New English Version best supports the conclusion that Gilgamesh is a strong leader?

Gripping their axes, their knives unsheathed, / they entered the Forest and made their way through / the tangle of thorn bushes underfoot.
Gilgamesh answered, “Dear friend, dear brother, / I cannot kill Humbaba
alone. / Please stay here with me. Stand at my side. / ‘Two boats lashed together will never sink.’”
Enkidu saw his dismay and said, / “Dear friend, great warrior, noble hero, / don’t lose courage, remember this . . .”
They came within sight of the monster’s den. / He was waiting inside it. Their blood ran cold. / He saw the two friends, he grimaced, he bared / his teeth, he let out a deafening roar.