The task involves retrieving
financial data on Banks in Ghana for the period 2010 to 2020 for all banks in
Ghana within the stated period. Answer the following questions based on the data.

1. Determine the total asset of each bank in each year and provide this information in a Table, where column refers to years and rows refer to the bank specific total asset for the year.
2. Calculate the five-firm concentration ratio in the banking industry in Ghana for each year using total assets.
3. Based on the five-firm concentration ratios calculated in 2 above, determine the level of competition among banks in Ghana.
4. Calculate the five-firm concentration ratio in the banking industry in Ghana for each year using deposits.
5. Calculate the five-firm concentration ratio in the banking industry in Ghana for each year using loan advances.
6. Is there a difference between the interpretation for the five-firm concentration ratio calculated using total assets, deposits and loan advances?
7. Calculate the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) for each year using total assets and comment on the level of competition among banks in Ghana.
8. Calculate the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) for each year using deposits and comment on the level of competition among banks in Ghana.
9. Calculate the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) for each year using loan advances and comment on the level of competition among banks in Ghana.
10.Which of the years would the level of competition in the banking industry in Ghana be welfare improving from the perspective of customers based on the calculated five-firm concentration ratios in question (1) and why?
11.Are your conclusions for HHI consistent with the five-firm concentration in all cases? Give two reasons to support your answer.