Select what a christian should do about alleged mistakes in the bible. ignore them examine problem passages either reach a conclusion or suspend judgment trust god's word try to understand them?

Respuesta :

Christian should try to analyze them, believe God's Word, find problem passages, either reach a result or release judgment about alleged mistakes in the Bible.

More about mistakes in the Bible:

In a recent article according to a liberal online newspaper, there are many translation mistakes in the Bible.

Some notable mistakes are

  • Covet Doesn’t Mean Covet: In Bible the phrase "You shalt not covet" (Ex. 20:17) has allegedly been mistranslated. The actual meaning is "Don't take." That distinction is it accurate? Not at all. Hamad's basic form indicates "to crave, long after" in a "excessive, uncontrolled, selfish" way (Brown 1907, 326).
  • There Is No Jubilee: It is asserted in the Bible that the word "ram" should be used instead of "jubilee" (which appears twenty-one times in the ASV; see Lev. 25:10). First of all, the word's root is "uncertain."

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