For the majority of minerals, the streak color obtained when the mineral is scratched against a porcelain plate is Less variable than the color hand sample among crystals less variable than the color hand sample among crystals.
Minerals form naturally as a result of geological processes. A mineral is a homogeneous solid composed of a single native element or, more commonly, a compound. Minerals are the building blocks of rocks and sands on Earth, as well as an important component of soils.
Minerals are natural solid substances. They are no longer alive. A crystal is formed by fitting the atoms that make up a mineral together. The chemical composition, or the types of atoms in a given kind of crystal, is the same for all crystals of that kind, though impurities or non-crystalline matter may be present. Minerals include gold, diamond, rock salt, and graphite, which is used to make the "lead" in pencils.
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