Who were the asiatic people, defeated at the battle of lechfeld, who became christians and went on to establish the kingdom of hungary?

Respuesta :

After their defeat in the Battle of Lechfeld, the Magyars or Hungarians became Christian and went on to establish the Kingdom of Hungary.

During the 9th and 10th centuries, Magyars emigrated from the Carpathian basin to Eastern Europe, in the form of looting raids. They dominated light cavalry and performed quick and violent attacks all across the European continent, but especially in the Eastern Frankish kingdom.

In June of 955 AD, King Otto I from the Germanic Kingdom faced a big Magyar invasion of approximately 8000-10000 men. With an army of knights, he managed to stop the raid in the battle of Lechfeld. During the following days, his men persecuted the Magyars. With the help of a rainy climate that swamped Magyar light chivalry, they annihilated a great part of the raid and imprisoned the leaders.

This battle marked the end of the Magyar invasion. The remaining Hungarians in Europe settled down in, forming the basis of the Kingdom of Hungary.

You can learn more about Magyars or Hungarians in the link below:
