You are given a binary tree written as a sequence of parent child pairs you need to detect any errors which prevents the sequence from being a proper binary tree and prints the highest prirority error

Respuesta :

Using the knowledge of computational language in C++ it is possible to write a code that binary tree written as a sequence of parent child pairs you need to detect any errors

Writting the code:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// Helper class that allocates a new

// node with the given key and None

// left and right pointer.

class newNode{


int key;


newNode(int k){

this->key = k;

this->right = this->left = NULL;



// This functions gets the size of binary tree

// Basically, the number of nodes this binary tree has

int getLength(newNode* root){

if(root == NULL)

return 0;

return 1 + getLength(root->left) + getLength(root->right);


// Returns True if length of binary tree is a power of 2 else False

bool isPerfect(newNode* root){

int length = getLength(root);

return length & (length+1) == 0;


int main()


newNode* root = new newNode(10);

root->left = new newNode(20);

root->right = new newNode(30);

root->left->left = new newNode(40);

root->left->right = new newNode(50);

root->right->left = new newNode(60);

root->right->right = new newNode(70);

if (isPerfect(root))





Finding the lexicographically smallest diameter in a binary tree

/ C++ program

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// Binary Tree Node

struct node {

char data;

node *left, *right;


// Utility function to create a new node

node* newNode(char data)


node* c = new node;

c->data = data;

c->left = c->right = NULL;

return c;


// Function to compare and return

// lexicographically smallest vector

vector<node*> compare(vector<node*> a, vector<node*> b)


for (int i = 0; i < a.size() && i < b.size(); i++) {

if (a[i]->data < b[i]->data) {

return a;


if (a[i]->data > b[i]->data) {

return b;



return a;


// Function to find diameter

int diameter(node* root, int& height, vector<node*>& dia,

vector<node*>& heightv)


// If root is null

if (!root) {

height = 0;

return 0;


// Left height and right height

// respectively

int lh = 0, rh = 0;

// Left tree diameter and

// right tree diameter

int ld, rd;

vector<node*> leftdia;

vector<node*> rightdia;

vector<node*> leftheight;

vector<node*> rightheight;

// Left subtree diameter

ld = diameter(root->left, lh, leftdia, leftheight);

// Right subtree diameter

rd = diameter(root->right, rh, rightdia, rightheight);

// If left height is more

// than right tree height

if (lh > rh) {

// Add current root so lh + 1

height = lh + 1;

// Change vector heightv to leftheight

heightv = leftheight;

// Insert current root in the path



// If right height is

// more than left tree height

else if (rh > lh) {

// Add current root so rh + 1

height = rh + 1;

// Change vector heightv to rightheight

heightv = rightheight;

// Insert current root in the path



//Both height same compare

// lexicographically now

else {

// Add current root so rh + 1

height = rh + 1;

// Lexicographical comparison between two vectors

heightv = compare(leftheight, rightheight);

// Insert current root in the path



// If distance of one leaf node to another leaf

// containing the root is more than the left

// diameter and right diameter

if (lh + rh + 1 > max(ld, rd)) {

// Make dia equal to leftheight

dia = leftheight;

// Add current root into it


for (int j = rightheight.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {

// Add right tree (right to root) nodes




// If either leftdiameter containing the left

// subtree and root or rightdiameter containing

// the right subtree and root is more than

// above lh+rh+1

else {

// If diameter of left tree is

// greater our answer vector i.e

// dia is equal to leftdia then

if (ld > rd) {

dia = leftdia;


// If both diameter

// same check lexicographically

else if (ld == rd) {

dia = compare(leftdia, rightdia);


// If diameter of right tree

// is greater our answer vector

// i.e dia is equal to rightdia then

else {

dia = rightdia;



return dia.size();


// Driver code

int main()


node* root = newNode('a');

root->left = newNode('b');

root->right = newNode('c');

root->left->left = newNode('d');

root->left->right = newNode('e');

root->right->left = newNode('f');

root->right->right = newNode('g');

int height = 0;

vector<node *> dia, heigh;

cout << "Diameter is: " << diameter(root, height,

dia, heigh)

<< endl;

// Printing the lexicographically smallest diameter

cout << "Lexicographically smallest diameter:" << endl;

for (int j = 0; j < dia.size(); j++) {

cout << dia[j]->data << " ";


return 0;


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