When a hindu widow voluntarily threw herself on her dead husband's funeral pyre it was known as: d. sati.
Samsara refers to the continuous cycle comprising of elements related to life. Specifically, it includes birth, death and rebirth. In English, the word Samsara is known by the phrases transmigration or reincarnation.
Manu has different meanings one of which translates it to first man or mankind. Jati refers to birth. Additionally, it is also caste among Hindu society.
Dasa is the word for servant, particularly referring to "Servant of God". Also, Dasa indicates enemies of Aryans. Sati system is said to be initiated during Gupta Empire with initiation period ranging between 320 to 550 CE. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the first Indian who stood against this system. He also stood against other evil society customs like polygamy, female infanticide etc.
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