Law (many things, like elections, legislation, representation, vetoes, etc. Note this one: Juries could listen but could not debate).
Certain Holidays (1 January: their New Year's parade featuring the newly elected politicos; 25 December: listed as Christ's birth in Bethlehem on their 354 AD calendar, which is extant).
Words are spelled exactly as their’s (abdomen, agenda, alibi, animal, census, color, circus, corpus, ego, ergo, forte, gymnasium, pus, dictator, lumen, odium, radius, villa, October through December, and many more).
Biological and Zoological terminology. Even some dinosaurs have latin names, like velociraptor and T. Rex.
Roman inventions, like cement, mortar, outdoor and indoor plumbing (flush toilets in private houses), indoor heating, aqueducts (for the best water of the ancient world), public baths, construction techniques (like the arch), among others.