This refers to, that Everyone is loved by God, and he is the father of all our spirits and we accept ourselves as his children. We all are loved by him individually and he wants love from all of us for all of us.
God is always aware of the uncertainities and the challenges one faces in his life, and he is also aware of this, that, we are not enough capable and may fall off many times,
Thus, he arranged us with his son, "Jesus Christ", on this earth to help us to come out of the difficulties one faces throughout his life, till his death bed.
Jesus had a very peaceful and sinless life. He shows the ways by which we can remove our fears and come out with energy and full power. It is believed,
he had given his whole of the life just to remove us from our sins. He is our only savior and the redeemer and the one who always bless us with well wishes.
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