Treating people differently based on prejudicial attitudes and stereotypes is known as discrimination.
Because Discrimination is the term used when someone acts on their prejudices towards a certain group of individuals. People frequently treat the subject of prejudice poorly as a result of having unfavorable opinions and prejudices about that group, such as by excluding older folks from their social circles.
Racism, sexism, homophobia, bias against people with physical disabilities, bias against people who are overweight, and prejudice towards immigrants were all examples of prejudice. We also looked at the correlations between different types of prejudice and significant demographic and individual traits as a secondary goal.
Instead of basing any action on an individual's merit, discrimination is the practise of making judgments about people or things based on the group, class, or category they belong to. Prejudice has to do with attitude, whereas discrimination has to do with conduct, is a clear separation between the two.
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