According to the cohesion tension theory, surface tension, which is caused by the attractive forces between water molecules and pulls water upward from the root through the xylem, is aided by the capillary action of water and transpiration pull. This upward movement of water is said to occur in opposition to gravity.
Cohesion tension theory: What is it?
The phenomenon of attraction between comparable molecules is known as cohesion. The cohesive force continues to draw the water molecules together, making it difficult to easily separate them. Additionally, water molecules are drawn to the inner wall of xylem ducts.
Because water has strong adhesive and cohesive characteristics, the water column cannot be pushed away from the xylem ducts' wall and remains continuous from the roots to the leaves.
The weight of the water column itself and the resistance water faces as it passes through the tissues of the root, stem, and mesophyll cells of the leaf are the forces working against the cohesive force of water and attempting to break up the water column in the plant.
It has been determined that the sum of all these forces is 50 atm. high among trees. However, the cohesive force of water alone, which is around 300 atm in size, is enough to preserve the continuity of water.
To know more about water transport in trees: